Monday, December 31, 2012


Sorry, I have been lazy in the blogging department,
but I have been spending time with my peeps
enjoying the holidays.
I'll probably post more on that later.

Tonight, I realized as I
cleaned up the kitchen for what was probably
the 1000th time this year,
refereed the last of 2012's sibling wars,
put pajamas on children who are quickly outgrowing them,
placed children in time-out in what mostly feels like a futile parenting effort,
was deafened by giggles and squeals
2012 was FULL of great memories and blessings
that, luckily, heavily out weigh the bad.
My original Top 10 list for 2012, has quickly dwindled to this
simple reflection.
2012 is the year when we became a Forever Family in our new home.
We are forever grateful.
I hope that 2013 is filled with fun, family, friends,
and good health for each of you.

1 comment:

Tricia @ Take 10 With Tricia said...

2012 was crazy busy, wasn't it??