Friday, November 18, 2011

CM's Made Me Grin Today

Today we were waiting for J's dance class to end, and needless to say, 
the natives were getting a little restless.
Including me.
I was all of out of energy for redirecting the little ones.
CM came over and grabbed my new purse (from a 31 party)
 and ran off...
I have to admit, I was about to get steamed.
I heard her say so proudly, "I want to show them my family."
She then picked out which one was her, all with a great big smile on her face.
We are HER family.
I love these moments when she claims us as hers.
Sometimes she says,  this is "your car" or "your house" and
J is quick to remind her that it is OUR house and OUR car now :)
Today was progress.
Oh, and she's picking up really quickly.
As we drove home, she told me to "Go Mommy!" when
I stopped the car to get the mail.
I replied, "Please don't be bossy."
She smiled and said, "Oh you are the bossy, right?"
Smart girl!

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