Friday, June 17, 2011

Excuse Me While I Gush

This weekend, many cards will be made and purchased for the dads in our lives.  It is a day to celebrate all that they do, have done, and will do for our families.  First off, Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there, especially my own dear Dad, father-in-law, and husband.

Please forgive me but I am going to take a moment to gush over my dear husband.  (Really, I am just testing to see if he even reads my blog.)  He may kill me for this, but too late.

Somethings you might not know about dear H...

He wasn't sure that he wanted kids when I met him.  He was planning on having a very demanding job in the military and he wasn't sure that parenthood was part of that future.

On the day we got engaged, he placed the ring on my hand and said "2."  He was talking about how many children we were planning to have.  I agreed.  Two sounded great...After "2" and many debates and changing our mind, we decided to have one more and adopt one more.  Then done!  Now it looks like 5 might be our lucky number.  Here's to hoping.

We had the first two kids 18 months apart, lived out of town, and H was working so many hours at Home Depot that when the kids saw something orange or a John Deere tractor, they'd say "Daddy!" because that is where they saw him the most.  He resigned his promising position in order to allow us to return to our hometown and to be with his children more.  He was a SAHD for a while.  He then found a job that allowed us to have a better family/work balance.

Most think I am the crazy one (I really am), but don't let H fool you.  He has a heart for service and when asked to help someone or to volunteer, he really does try to help if he can. 

H is a biological father to three and hopeful adoptive parent to two.  Four of which are daughters!!

 He is a bread winner who tries to braid our daughters' hair, puts on ankle and arm braces without flinching, and is learning about African American hair products.

He coaches wrestling, leads a Cub Scout den, plays board and video games, reads comics, and substitute teaches in Sunday School.

He can give baths, makes great quesadillas and strawberry syrup, cleans ceiling fans and vent covers like a champ, can pack a diaper bag, cuts coupons and organizes bills.

H is a great partner in this crazy endeavor we call parenthood.  He gives great hugs, lets us all tickle and torment him for our own amusement, and always makes us feel loved.  He's is present and involved.

We love him so much and I am blessed to have him as our childrens' "Daddy."

Happy Father's Day!


Carrie said...

Ok, now I have tears in my eyes... That was so sweet and genuine! You two are an incredible team!

annieglan said...

Did I miss something? Did you get another placement? Is it JJ's bio sister?

Krista said...

@ Annie- We do not yet have the placement but are in transition. Yeah!!
@ Carrie- Thanks. He did read it and didn't kill me :)

Tricia @ Take 10 With Tricia said...

You left out the carnitas and the guac?!?! That's what I love that man for!! hehehe