Baptism there such a thing? I am embarrassed to admit, yes, and I have it.
Don't judge me. There's more to it.
When I see another family (that I don't really even know) celebrating a child's baptism, I tear up. Then they put an adorable picture up on the screen and say a few words about what he/she is like, and a few tears fall...against my will of course. Hear me out, I am always happy for the family. However, I also find myself wishing that H and I had the right to have JJ baptized. I start to think ahead to when we can stand there as an official family. (I'll be train wreck, fyi.)
I guess this is exacerbated by the fact that once again the court proceedings were delayed. Transcripts weren't ready (although it has been 10 weeks) so the new date is 2-3 months away. This makes me a little crazy when I know that this delay is not in any child's "best interest." It just seems like the closer we get, the further it gets pushed out. Oh well, I only focus on this part briefly, because we are just a part of a very complicated system.
The funny thing is that after a baptism at this Sunday's service, they were talking about love and this scripture spoke to me. "1 Corinthians 13:7: Love never gives up, never loses, faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."
Delays won't change what we do as a family on a day to day basis. It is sooo worth it!! After all, if the right opportunity arises we might just do it again.
Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all of the military families for your bravery and sacrifice. I hope that you had a great weekend.