Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Funnies: Why do they call them that?

PT ran into me the other day and proclaimed, "Ouch!  I hurt my NUTS!" 

My head spun around with surprise.  He has never used slang to describe his anatomy least not in front of me.  I have to admit, I chuckled and reminded him that he needs to use appropriate language.  He just said, "Sorry, but it hurt."

Fast forward to the next day...

PT came up next to me and quietly said, "Why to people call them nuts?"  Then his face lit up as if he had discovered a cure for cancer and followed up with, "Is it because they are easy to crack?!" 

I didn't know what to say, so I told him to talk to Dad about it.  Thank goodness for Dad!


Tricia @ Take 10 With Tricia said...

Make sure Howie lets Andy know the answer...

Krista said...

H just found out that I deferred the question to him. He was thrilled and said he'd rather him say "balls." Oh brother!