Friday, October 12, 2012

Julia Shares Her Dessert

Take a minute my friends to eavesdrop on my little girls wacky conversation...

Julia whispers, "Wanna have my mint?"

Josie smiles and says excitedly, "Mom, Julia is giving me her mint too!"

"Julia, that is nice of you.  Where is it?," I ask.

"In my belly.," Julia answers.

Josie quickly proclaims, "We'll I'm not going to eat it now 'cuz on other end 
it is called POOP!"

Very true my girl.  Very true.
I will never look at an Andes mint the same way again.

Oh, and I don't want to forget what Julia just told me that she wants for her birthday.
"Um, I want mud, alien poop, and a real dog!"
Well honey, you might be a little disappointed this year.
Where does she come up with this stuff?


Tricia @ Take 10 With Tricia said...

Very funny!!

Julia @ Mini Van Dreams said...

OMG! I read this and bust out laughing and then had to explain to my hubby what was so funny! Love it! It was nice meeting you at BloggyCon. I am just now getting to visit everyone's blogs!
