Friday, January 11, 2013

This Job is Gross

Much to my surprise, 
one of my little ones (who I shall not name)
came home from school on Wednesday in different clothes.

"Oh no, she peed her pants at school.  Poor thing." I thought.
She told me that she was waiting in line to use the restroom and it just took too long.
She didn't seem traumatized. 
These things happened.

I got her to bed and went to clear out backpacks.
I found a bag with what I thought were her wet clothes in it
but to my surprise,
they weren't wet.

And to even my bigger surprise,
or my dismay rather,
two little (now quite solid) turds began to fall out of the underwear.
I didn't need that to come home too.

I took care of it.
I gagged a bit.
Then I laughed.
This job is gross sometimes isn't.
(Sorry if I ruined your breakfast.)

1 comment:

Dwija {House Unseen} said...

LOL! Oh my. This really did make me laugh.