Friday, July 1, 2011

Our Goals

Last night we met with our case worker to talk about our re-certification as a foster and adoptive home.  There is paperwork, of course, as well as, a few interview questions.  One question stuck with me...

What is your goal for this upcoming year as a foster family?

The answer was simple for H and I.

To be an adoptive family (and for me to be better at doing JJ's hair).

Even more simply, we just want to be a family. 

I have realized that our family has been constantly growing and adjusting for almost 9 years.  Selfishly, I'd love to have our family complete and to adjust to being together forever.  No more waiting.  No more worries (related to foster care or adoption of the girls).  No more uncertainty for the children.  No more calling for permission to go out of state or to give a medication.  No more "foster mom" or the "hopeful adoptive mom". 

I just want to be "Mom."

We hope to settle into the blessing-filled chaos that comes with a big family. 
We just want to love all of our kids for the rest of our lives.

We pray that it is God's plan as well.  In the meanwhile, we'll be having a heck of a good time.

1 comment:

annieglan said...

This is so sweet :)